
The Most Popular Valentine's Candy in New York [PHOTO]
The Most Popular Valentine's Candy in New York [PHOTO]
The Most Popular Valentine's Candy in New York [PHOTO]
It's almost Valentine's Day and that usually means everywhere you look- chocolate and candy. I found a map that has the most popular valentine's candy in each state and c'mon New York, we can do better.
Are You Into McDonald’s New Chocolate Fries?
Are You Into McDonald’s New Chocolate Fries?
Are You Into McDonald’s New Chocolate Fries?
Sometimes you need something sweet... sometimes you need something salty.  It's an age old dilemma.  But now, thanks to America's favorite drive through restaurant, we can have both... at the same time! On Tuesday, McDonalds’s Japan pulled the curtain off its newest culinary masterpiece: the McChoco Potato: Japanese customers can now enjoy an ideal combination of McDonald’s French fries drizzled w
Battle the Saddest Day of the Year With These Quick Tips You Can Do At Work
Battle the Saddest Day of the Year With These Quick Tips You Can Do At Work
Battle the Saddest Day of the Year With These Quick Tips You Can Do At Work
This week is, according to experts, the most depressing week of the year.  But, we are trying to help!  Here's a quick list of things you can do while you're at work or home on the couch that will, no doubt, make you feel better! 1. Make a gratitude list - write down 3 things you are grateful for today...
Endangered Foods!  Please, No! Chocolate Is On This List!
Endangered Foods! Please, No! Chocolate Is On This List!
Endangered Foods! Please, No! Chocolate Is On This List!
An article on lists 4 foods that are endangered, and I am having a big problem with it! 1. Maple Syrup Little known fact about me... I was the Western New York Maple Queen when I was 17, so this one hits home to me!  Experts are saying that because of lower levels of rain acidity, extreme weather conditions, and pest infestations from global warming, Maple Syrup production is down and
Valentine's Day Insurance
Valentine's Day Insurance
Valentine's Day Insurance
Valentine's Day can be a day of loneliness for all the single people out there - but in Japan, you can buy Valentine's Day insurance to make sure you aren't left without a gift! WHAT?!  In Japan, the holiday is celebrated - usually with chocolate gifts, but only women give presents to men.