An arrest has been made where people have been trying to pass counterfeit money in the Capital Region, thanks to an alert clerk. But Police warn that the fake bills could be all over our area.
The truth of the matter is, I can't win the $1,000 cash because I work here. However, it doesn't mean I haven't thought about how cool it would be to suddenly have $1,000 given to me out of nowhere and what I'd do with
Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. Money doesn't buy things like love, affection, laughter, etc... and don't worry, my husband and I have this argument all the time. I say that money does buy happiness—he says I'm crazy!
Teachers do so much for our kids, and I think it's super cool that certain businesses are stepping up and giving back to the fine men and women who give so much to our kids all year long!
I have compiled a list and some links that can help you collect some great deals on school supplies, new clothes for work, home improvement and even some entertainment stuff like comedy clubs...
An anonymous, wealthy California man is hiding up to $100 or so in public places in San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose and then posting clues to the money's whereabouts through his Twitter page, appropriately dubbed Hidden Cash or, @HiddenCash...
You gotta give McDonald's credit, the "Monopoly" game is a big hit every single year. I know I will be cleaning out tons of duplicate game pieces from my car in a few months! "Grrr, how many times can you get Park Place and NOT Boardwalk?"
Ahh that elusive Boardwalk...
It's your chance to win cash! Two chances at a $1,000 each weekday just by listening to 107.7 WGNA. AND you can win $10,000 this month, right here on Man, that’s a lot of cabbage.