At around 6pm Thursday evening, a massive crowd of police officers, firefighters, bikers, cheerleaders, friends, family and complete strangers gathered below the foot bridge at Albany Medical Center to lift the spirits of an 11-year-old girl named Anna LaBella...
Maureen White-Schock of Ballston Spa is not only on the front lines at Albany Medical Center dealing with the high stress, high demand job of the health care world during the pandemic, but continues her job when she gets home. While she certainly is grateful to be blessed with a wonderful husband and two children, she assumes the responsibility of caregiver to her mother-in-law, who unfortunately
The independent medical examiner hired by members of George Floyd's family revealed key autopsy evidence that paints a much different picture than the one painted by the Hennipen County Medical Examiner's office. Dr. Michael Baden, the well-known forensic specialist who formerly worked in the Capital Region as a professor at Albany Medical College and autopsied bodies at Albany Medical Center, i
While Troy police sergeant Randall French clings for his life at Albany Medical Center, his wife Danielle posted a plea on her facebook page begging people to donate plasma hoping someone can help her husband's fight. French has been battling for his life since being diagnosed with COVID-19. According to the Times Union, he entered Albany Medical Center about a week ago.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing a good, local, news story. A story that isn't about our differences and politics, just a nice person doing nice things for the community.
You learn in karate how to fight with punches and kicks but a local karate school owner is teaching those skills to children fighting a different fight- one for their lives.
It's hard to live in the Capital Region and not know the meaning behind #LoganStrong. The family is all over local news this morning and you'll be happy to hear, there's a new update on Logan's story.
Imagine my surprise when I'm scrolling through Netflix and all of a sudden I see the front of Albany Med in the trailer of a new documentary. I obviously had to watch it!