Southwest Airlines went above and beyond for a mother whose son was in a accident.

I love to hear these stories!  People helping people...we should hear more stories like this!!

Here's what happened:

Peggy Uhle's flight to Columbus had left the gate for take off, when the plane turned back and returned to the gate.  The flight attendant approached Peggy and asked her to exit the plane and head to the gate check in podium.

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Getty Images

Peggy complied and when she got to the gate check in podium, the attendant told her she needed to call home.   It was at that point, Peggy learned of her son's accident and that he was in a coma in Denver. Southwest agents jumped to action to help Peggy the minute they heard about the accident.

The Southwest Agents then told Peggy that they had already booked her on a non stop flight to Denver so she could be with her son.  The team offered her a private waiting room, and even transferred her luggage from her original air plane to the new flight to Denver.  Upon boarding her new flight, agents gave her a packed lunch to take with her as well!

After arriving and visiting with her Son, Peggy received a follow up call from Southwest to check in on her and see how her Son was!

How great is that!!  I love hearing good stories.  Peggy's Son is continuing to recover.


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