Soccer Nets Potentially Dangerous to NY Owls! Here’s One Reason Why!
There are times in life where we find ourselves in such a happy moment we don't want it to end and we don't want to leave. I have felt that after concerts and sporting events when my experience was so much fun or emotional that I just wanted to stay there.
Here's a story that will make your head spin. I can't say for sure but I am wondering if this New York owl didn't want to leave his happy place, even after being freed.
Last month, according to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, a great horned owl found himself stuck in a Suffolk County soccer net. No word on exactly how this owl got stuck inside the goal. Most likely flew into it by mistake and got tangled.
Out of concern that the owl might be injured and unable to free himself, Environmental Conservation Officers were called out to see what they could do. It was determined that the owl had been trapped since the day before and had spent the night in the net.
The Environmental Conservation Officer was able to free the feathered friend but he didn't want to leave. Turns out he didn't give a 'hoot' about being freed. Maybe this is his happy place and he just didn't want to go.
Out of concern that the owl might be injured officers took the bird to a local wildlife rehabilitator. The rehabilitator did not see any noticeable injuries and suspected the owl would be released the next day.