As you read this blog people are at Proctors in Schenectady chowing down on pizza from over 30  Capital Region shops while swilling soda and having fun that you should be having too!

The first ever WGNA Pizza Wars is at Proctors in Schenectady tonight from 5-9:30pm. It is just $3 to get in per person. Head over there now, get your ticket and chow down.

Here are the top 5 quotes you may hear in the crowd at Pizza Wars tonight at Proctors:

5.  That's cheesy!

4. I remember my first anchovy!

3. Can I have your number? I promise I'll call you in 30 minutes or less!

2. Wow, I didn't know you could do that with crust!

1. Do you know that pepperoni matches your eyes!

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