It's nice to have a party with a ton of friends and family. It's even nicer if you can do it near water, and on a major holiday of Summer.

Take your pick of the holiday. Memorial Day, 4th of July,Labor Day, it really doesn't matter.

Your parties of the past may have been great, but if you want to take the next step and be a "legend" of the true Summer blowout you have to roast a pig.

If you don't know how, many local caterers can be contracted to bring the big roaster on wheels and fire up the propane to do it for you at a reasonable cost.

There is nothing better.

The smell is awesome, the meat is delicious and smiles are endless. Graduation parties are also a great time to break out a pig.

I have partaken in pig cooking, and pig picking for years and for party of 200 people a 180 pound pig should do the trick.

You should pay somewhere between $1.45 and $1.75 per pound for a good pig. If anyone goes cheaper than that then walk, you get what you pay for.

The video attached is a pretty good introduction to the "Pig Roast rookies" out there and covers the basics.

Happy pig picking to you and yours this year.

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