Our first heatwave of 2024 is nothing compared to the hottest temperature ever recorded in New York state!

I know, its hot this week. Uncomfortably hot. And sticky! Its the kind of hot when you get out of the shower, you start sweating before you can dry yourself off. So as we trudge through our first stretch of days in the mid 90's, maybe a little perspective will help to cool you off?


What Is The Hottest Temperature Ever Recorded In New York?

While Albany has not seen a 100-degree day since 1953, we have crossed the century mark plenty of times in the Capital city. The hottest day ever recorded in Albany was 104 degrees on July 4, 1911. But it is ANOTHER Capital Region city that holds the record for the hottest temperature recorded locally and STATEWIDE!

The all-time New York state record of 108 degrees was recorded on July 22, 1926 in Troy, according to A to Z Animals.

So as we navigate this week's heatwave, remember - it could always be worse. Or we could be digging out of feet of snow!

See The 8 Hottest Days On Record In Albany History

Summer is coming soon and some say it could be a SCORCHER. Will it be hot enough for a few days to join this list? Here are the 8 hottest days on record in Albany history according to the National Weather Service.

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff

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