Million Dollar Beach: Closed Again
After opening for the season last weekend, the Lake George Beach is once again closed due to E.coli concerns.
A major bummer on the first day of Summer, right? But there is a light at the end of the tunnel as we head into the first full weekend of Summer 2017.
NYUP.com is reporting after just opening for swimming last Sunday, the beach is once again closed for swimming through this Friday due to high E.coli levelsThe New York Department of Environmental Conservation had already closed the beach earlier this month for the same reason.
First, kudos to the state for keeping an eye on this and trying to track down the source. If you recall the beach was also closed late last summer for a similar reason that NYUP says was attributed to possible sewage drainage issues around the lake. Hopefully they track the source down again and this doesn't become a common occurrence at Million Dollar Beach - especially now that Summer is here!
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