The federal government is considering taxing us all for every, yes every mile we drive. If you think the economy is bad now wait to see what happens if this gets through.

Unemployment is high in New York and nationally.  People out of work are having a hard time finding any job at all not to mention replacing the income from the job they lost. Parents who are divorced will be hit with tax for miles they drive to see their children for visitation which is a right. People out of work will be taxed on every mile they drive looking for work. People that have a job will be taxed on every mile they drive to get to work and home. If you want to take a vacation that you have worked hard for with your kids and drive to the beach you will be taxed for every mile. People will have to quit their jobs because they can't afford to get to them, leading to bankruptcies and a massive wave of home foreclosures.  We have to tell all of our representatives in Congress and the senate to say "NO" unconditionally to this proposed and potential tax that will drive middle class Americans to poverty. Can you imagine how much groceries will cost, yes the companies that truck the food all over this nation will have to pay this mileage tax too. This is bordrline communism folks. The fact that our government is proposing this is frightening. 

Here are the contacts for our state Congressmen and Senators. Shoot them an email and tell them "NO" on this issue. If you don't speak then don't be upset when it passes and cripples your life as you know it. Last time I checked this is still America and we still have a voice. Use yours now!

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