New York Named One of the Most Dangerous States for Red Lights
The number of people running red lights in New York has become a massive problem.
It's an unspoken rule in Central New York to look both ways first before going through a green light. Why is that? It's because too many motorists here have a nasty habit of speeding through red lights. Sometimes, multiple cars will blow through an intersection.
Why Are So Many New Yorkers Running Red Lights?
Although it's against the law, a part of me understands why people do it. There are several roads in Central New York (I am looking at you, Utica) dotted with out-of-sync lights, forcing traffic to move like an accordion.
Patience does wear thin after a while on these streets- especially if a light changes when there is no one else on the road.
Driving through a red is never worth the risk. While one could technically save themselves 30 seconds or so, the potential consequences far outweigh the benefits.
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Several crashes across Oneida, Madison, and Herkimer County have been caused by people refusing to tap the brakes. One such accident happened recently in Whitestown, which resulted in a head injury.
New York's Drivers Amongst Most Dangerous
It seems this problem isn't contained to just our neck of the woods, and is a statewide issue. New York has been named one of the most dangerous states for red lights.
A new study by personal injury law firm Bader Scott said New York is the third most dangerous state after finding a little under 19% of all fatal crashes in the state were caused by someone running through a red light.
In New York City alone, 29 people died in red light running crashes last year.
Even if no crash occurs, those found guilty of ignoring a red light or stop sign automatically get 3 points added to their license and face a fine up to $450 for a first-time infraction.

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