Rock me Mama like a wagon wheel!Darius Rucker our headliner for 1077 'GNA Countryfest 2013 "Our 20th Anniversary Show" on July 13th at the Schaghticoke Fairgrounds is gunning for the number one spot in country music this week. This awesome songs is by far the biggest country hit of his career, which is saying something because he has already scored multiple #1 country hits. We can't wait to hear him sing it live so we can all sing along with Darius at Countryfest on July 13th. Don't forget that tickets are just $35 and you can get them online here, or at the register in any Price Chopper Supermarket (and when you get them at Price Chopper you'll save the service charge). Grab your now, while we give "Wagon Wheel" a listen here.

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