
Should I Consider Having A Baby? – Daily Dilemma
Should I Consider Having A Baby? – Daily Dilemma
Should I Consider Having A Baby? – Daily Dilemma
The "Daily Dilemma" on the Sean and Richie Show is featured every weekday morning at 6:40am. We and the listeners take on someone's problems and try to offer different perspectives. Now, these don't have to be huge problems- it could just be something bothering you or a friend, or it could be some little thing you and another just can't agree on. If you have a dilemma to share we'd love
A Beautiful Love Between A Boy And His Dog
A Beautiful Love Between A Boy And His Dog
A Beautiful Love Between A Boy And His Dog
You know I have a soft spot for animals, so when I read this story I had to share it with you. I also would love it if you share it with your friends as well, just click the Facebook symbol at the bottom of this article and post on your page! Thanks.
My Girlfriend Seems Annoyed By Me – Daily Dilemma
My Girlfriend Seems Annoyed By Me – Daily Dilemma
My Girlfriend Seems Annoyed By Me – Daily Dilemma
The "Daily Dilemma" on the Sean and Richie Show is featured every weekday morning at 6:40am. We and the listeners take on someone's problems and try to offer different perspectives. Now, these don't have to be huge problems- it could just be something bothering you or a friend, or it could be some little thing you and another just can't agree on. If you have a dilemma to share we'd love
Couple gets Divorced After 115 Years
Couple gets Divorced After 115 Years
Couple gets Divorced After 115 Years
At least they gave it the ole' college try!   According to the Huffington Post, two giant turtles that have been "married" for 115 years at a reptilian zoo in Klagenfurt, Austria, are finally separating. The giant turtles are Poldi-the male and Bibi-the female...

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