
Daily Dilemma
Daily Dilemma
Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I have digital photos of girlfriends dating back to 2000, and they're all on my computer. A few of them are still on Facebook too, and my girlfriend wants me to delete them. She ALSO wants me to delete them from my computer...
How Can He Leave N.Y. And Not Even Say Goodbye? – Daily Dilemma
How Can He Leave N.Y. And Not Even Say Goodbye? – Daily Dilemma
How Can He Leave N.Y. And Not Even Say Goodbye? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: My dilemma is this: I hear from a certain family member only when they need something and most of the time it is MONEY. They don't call any other time to chat or even update what is going on. This family member has called me before and reminds me that I have said if they ever needed anything just ask...
My X-Ray Tech Was My Husband’s EX And She Picked A Fight With Me! – Daily Dilemma
My X-Ray Tech Was My Husband’s EX And She Picked A Fight With Me! – Daily Dilemma
My X-Ray Tech Was My Husband’s EX And She Picked A Fight With Me! – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: Recently, I had to get a routine medical procedure done, when I went to the appointment it turned out that the technician performing the procedure was my husband's ex. I was uncomfortable but I figured well, this is a place of business, I'm sure we will get through the procedure quickly and go our separate ways...
Your Obit - Funny or Not?
Your Obit - Funny or Not?
Your Obit - Funny or Not?
I know this is a rather weird question, but the subject came to mind when I read this article lately about an obituary that is going viral on the web.  First I'll share that with you, and then ask the obvious, yet personal question and see where you lie (no pun intended)
Is Mispronunciation a “Fatal Flaw”? – Daily Dilemma
Is Mispronunciation a “Fatal Flaw”? – Daily Dilemma
Is Mispronunciation a “Fatal Flaw”? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I've been dating this guy for about 2 years, and he's the greatest - don't get me wrong. He's kind, generous, and a very hard worker and everything. We've talked marriage many times, but there's one thing that gets to me and I actually feel very bad about it...
Warning Signs You’re Taking Your Relationship For Granted
Warning Signs You’re Taking Your Relationship For Granted
Warning Signs You’re Taking Your Relationship For Granted
Valentine's Day is this week, which means everybody has love and relationships on their minds. How long do you think it takes for the romance to fade from a relationship?  Is it after three years of being married?  Seven years of marriage?  Or the day you get married?!  Here are some warning signs that you or your significant other (or perhaps, both of you) are taking your relationship for granted
Office Romances: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Start
Office Romances: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Start
Office Romances: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Start
It’s February, and you know Valentine’s Day is around the corner because as soon as January got rolling, all that red and pink candy started popping up everywhere. It’s cold outside, the holiday of love is nearly upon us, so it would be understandable if you were suddenly in the mood to look at your co-workers just a little differently. Hmm ... which one might have the potential to keep you warm a

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