
Watch This Video Of A Toddler’s Crazy Reaction To ‘Frozen’ [VIDEO]
Watch This Video Of A Toddler’s Crazy Reaction To ‘Frozen’ [VIDEO]
Watch This Video Of A Toddler’s Crazy Reaction To ‘Frozen’ [VIDEO]
Wow, what is it about this song? I really can't remember a time when one song had so much impact on the world, especially children. I admit I have not seen the movie yet but I actually am looking forward to it when I have the time. Having seen this video and others like it, I am a little worried about letting my kid watch it! Though I must say this little boy is adorable.
DC Vs. Marvel – Check Out This Awesome Fan Made Fake Movie Trailer!
DC Vs. Marvel – Check Out This Awesome Fan Made Fake Movie Trailer!
DC Vs. Marvel – Check Out This Awesome Fan Made Fake Movie Trailer!
It is amazing what movie makers are doing today, bringing all of our childhood heroes to life in such a convincing way. I can't even imagine what my childhood would have been like if I could have seen the superheroes or the fantasy novel characters I read about on the big screen as good if not better than my own imagination. I think for sure I might have gone into movie making.
The Top 10 Movies and TV Shows of 2014, According to Facebook
The Top 10 Movies and TV Shows of 2014, According to Facebook
The Top 10 Movies and TV Shows of 2014, According to Facebook
It’s that time of the year, when pop culture websites and critics publish their annual Best Of lists and we heap praise on the best and most beloved movies and TV shows of the year. But what about the average moviegoer and TV-viewer? That’s where Facebook comes in. The social media site has released their top 10 movies and top 10 TV shows of the year, based on the most discussed titled of 2014. While some are fairly obvious, the lists might surprise you and inspire you to contemplate the overlap between what’s popular and what’s actually good.
5 Celebrities that Are WAY Smarter Than You! A Couple Of Them May Surprise You
5 Celebrities that Are WAY Smarter Than You! A Couple Of Them May Surprise You
5 Celebrities that Are WAY Smarter Than You! A Couple Of Them May Surprise You
It's true, you never know where life is going to take you. One day you are getting a degree at an Ivy league school, starting your life as a Doctor or Scientist and the next you are a TV star. I'm sure most people know that Matt Damon was actually a student at Harvard when he wrote "Good Will Hunting" or that Jodie Foster went to Yale but there may be a few celebrity "brainiacs"