I turning the BIG 3-0 in a couple of months and, while that milestone comes with inherent wisdom, I know it's a little harder to lose weight and really get in shape after you enter your thirties.


So, I was pretty excited to get my free fitness assessment at Best Fitness and start working out with my trainer, Kwame.

Before the hour-long assessment, I figured he was going to tell me I really needed to work on my core and my arms (because I do). I enjoy running and hot yoga, but I know (or thought I knew) where my weaknesses were.

Surprise! Instead of handing me weights right after I told him I wanted to work on my arms, my trainer could tell specifically that my shoulders were tight and gave me a specialized workout to help that.

Here's a look the progress I've made so far:

Before I started working out with a Best Fitness trainer, I thought I was pretty much in shape, not a bodybuilder by any means, but in shape. In a few workouts, I figured out how many muscles I haven’t been utilizing at all.

I'm really impressed with Best Fitness and how their fitness centers have evolved:

  • I live pretty close to the Schenectady location and I used to work out at Best Fitness. They've really improved! They’ve added more machines, more classes, and different classes I haven’t seen anywhere else.
  • Their trainers are accessible to anyone at the gym. Anyone can ask any trainer they see a question about working out. Usually, that time costs extra but they said they’d rather their patrons use the equipment correctly and ask questions than hurt themselves.
  • The philosophy behind the free fitness assessment is that they want you to make the most of your time at the gym: They are going to help you target the exercises you need to get the results you want without wasting time on ineffective workouts.
Jess Hudson, Townsquare Media
Jess Hudson, Townsquare Media

Overall, I didn’t realize how much better it would make me feel in just a few workouts. It’s nice to be back on a schedule again, to work on my body, and to feel good moving like I used to when I was on a regime before.

I can't wait to see how much more progress I make next month! I know some people might be a little shy about signing up for an assessment, but as they told me at Best Fitness, people who don't have a plan usually aren't successful. So, if you're committed to investing the time to workout, you might as well make that time count.

Are you ready to get started? They have an awesome FREE 14-day trial membership.

Jess Hudson, Townsquare Media
Jess Hudson, Townsquare Media

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