It's true that bad things happen to good people and this one of those situations. In this pic you see Bob Mulheren and his awesome wife Pam with Lee Brice. Bob is one of those guys that works harder then anyone else and never has a mean word to say. If you've ever met him at a event I bet he made you smile. He's more then a co-worker he's a friend and he needs all of our help.

Bob was diagnosed with a form of Leukemia that with keep him in the hospital for a LONG time. As anyone that's been in this situation knows medical bills pile up fast. Here's where you come in. We're all going to Red Robin in Latham Monday, February 6th from 4pm to 8pm for a fundraiser. Please print the flier below hand out as many as you can and join us. We all love Red Robin burgers and anyone that hands in this flier when you go Monday part of your bill will go to help my friend Bob.


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