4 Secrets About Easton Corbin That I Learned Backstage at the TUC
Easton did a great job opening for Carrie Underwood's Storyteller tour at the Times Union Center on Thursday night. And, after his set I was lucky enough to chat with him backstage for a little while.
From the 10-15 minutes I spent hanging out with him, I learned quite a bit!
1. He's a history buff who really enjoys reading books on his Kindle on the bus before shows. He seemed really smart and very interested in actual historical events.
2. He doesn't play the lottery or gamble. He mentioned how much he likes to keep his hard earned paycheck and how even if you lose $20 in a slot machine, you end up feeling terrible about it!
3. He hates watching himself on video! While backstage he was making a "Happy Birthday" video for a friend, and when he watched it back to make sure it was ok, he said "Gosh, I really hate watching myself on camera!" Me too, Easton, me too!
4. When he points and smiles at you from the stage, yes, he really is pointing at you! I said, "Come on Easton, you can't possibly be seeing and making eye contact with all those people from up there on stage! With the lights and stuff?!" And he said, that he does! He says he can see just enough to make eyes with you! So if he smiled and winked at you the other night, rest assured, it was real!
So there's my recap of my time backstage with country star Easton Corbin! Let me know in the comment section below what you thought of the show!