
Funny Highway Signs Try And Get Motorists To Focus
Funny Highway Signs Try And Get Motorists To Focus
Funny Highway Signs Try And Get Motorists To Focus
When you are on the road, especially when you are traveling for vacation or a summer road trip, you hope that other motorists are focusing on the roads and not texting or using their phones. Well another state has decided to be creative and funny with their highway signs in an effort to get drivers to focus.
If Capital Region Roads Could Talk
If Capital Region Roads Could Talk
If Capital Region Roads Could Talk
Summer means we all travel a little more and surely by now you know some roads in the Capital Region are a necessary annoyance that you simply cannot avoid.  Until we have cars that can fly or hyper-loop, we must succumb to the evil ways of certain area roads.  Here's a list of a few noteworthy, well traveled roads and what they would say If They Could Talk.
Why Is There A Long Black Tube Across The Road?
Why Is There A Long Black Tube Across The Road?
Why Is There A Long Black Tube Across The Road?
I know this has happened to you. You are driving down the road and all of a sudden you see this black long tube all the way across it. You drive over it with no problem but then you wonder, what the heck is that black tube used for and why on this road?
Why Is There No Exit 3 Off The Northway?
Why Is There No Exit 3 Off The Northway?
Why Is There No Exit 3 Off The Northway?
This is a frequently asked question in the Albany area and the missing exit has become quite a piece of local lore; it was even mentioned  in a McDonald’s commercial last year.