
Cancer Causing Cola
Cancer Causing Cola
Cancer Causing Cola
According to the consumer advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington, the artificial caramel coloring used in many cola drinks may cause cancer.
Cure For Cancer Stolen
Cure For Cancer Stolen
Cure For Cancer Stolen
You read that correctly - the cure for cancer was stolen. Problem is the person who has stolen the cure doesn’t even know they have stolen it as it’s on a laptop that has gone missing from a locked vehicle. Wait - a cure for cancer?
Water Contaminated with Chromium 6
Water Contaminated with Chromium 6
Water Contaminated with Chromium 6
New recommendations have been issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to test and monitor hexavalent chromium, or better known as chromium 6, in public water systems.  If you did not know (which I didn't) a report late last year found the chemical in the tap water of 31 cities here in the United States.  Scary, right?