Can you imagine calling in sick because you have your period... and actually having that be a thing?!

I can't!

But a British company called Coexist is about to launch a new program designed to make women at their company more comfortable during their natural cycle.

They believe that if they let the women, who make up the majority of their workforce, work around their monthly cycle, not only will the workers be more productive, but the business will be more successful.

The company's founder suffers from severe menstrual cramps every month and believes that women should be empowered to take their menstruation seriously.  She says,

"There is a misconception that taking time off makes a business unproductive — actually it is about synchronizing work with the natural cycles of the body.


"For women, one of these is their menstrual cycles. Naturally, when women are having their periods they are in a winter state, when they need to regroup, keep warm and nourish their bodies.


"The spring section of the cycle, immediately after a period is a time when women are actually three times as productive as usual."

Japan has been allowing menstrual leave since1947 and South Korea, Taiwan and Indonesia also have laws in place allowing women time off work during their period.

And, Nike is one of the only worldwide companies to officially include menstrual leave as part of their Code of Conduct.


At the very least, some experts are suggesting that maybe companies should observe "cycle awareness" which simply creates a positive approach to menstruation and the menstrual cycle that empowers women and men and supports wellbeing for employees.  And, helps to restore the menstrual cycle as the asset it is.

This is quite the hot topic!  Do you think companies should have menstrual leave?  Do you think it empowers women or makes them look weak?  Would you really call your boss and tell him or her that you can't come to work because "Aunt Flo is in town?"

Tell me your thoughts!


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