
Tuesday’s Mega Million Jackpot Soars to $550 Million
Tuesday’s Mega Million Jackpot Soars to $550 Million
Tuesday’s Mega Million Jackpot Soars to $550 Million
Friday the 13th wasn't  the lucky night for the Mega Millions lottery players.  Nobody won the $425 million top prize, which means Tuesday’s jackpot will climb to an estimated $550 million.  This will make it the 4th largest jackpot in U...
11 Signs You’re Too Old to Be Working
11 Signs You’re Too Old to Be Working
11 Signs You’re Too Old to Be Working
In the old days, if you were lucky, you worked until you turned 55, joined the ranks of the retired and scarred your grandkids for life by telling them about all the ears you collected during the big war. Now, times are tough and pensions are nothing but a distant memory. So more people are working longer and retiring later, if they even retire at all. Of course, some really should consider takin
Albany County Sheriff Retiring
Albany County Sheriff Retiring
Albany County Sheriff Retiring
Albany County Sheriff, James Campbell, announced yesterday he is retiring from his post that he’s held since 1989.   Campbell, now 71-years old, has served six terms.   In that time, he created a county-wide drug unit, a search and rescue team and a permanent substation at the Albany International Airport...
Yankee Great To Retire
Yankee Great To Retire
Yankee Great To Retire
You know it's inevitable, your favorite players can't play forever. But it still stings when they decide to hang it up for good. Today it's reported that one of the Yankees best pitchers of all time, Andy Pettitte has decided to call it a career after 16 years in the big leagues.