The bullpen. It's a term that's synonymous with baseball, and most importantly, not offensive to anybody. Oh wait, somehow, PETA has a problem with the name.
If PETA gets their way, the famous groundhog that helps us determine how much Winter is left would be be replaced by artificial intelligence. What?! I don't know about you, but I have a mini obsession with Punxsutawney Phil . He's fat and feisty and furry and every year when they hold him up in front of adoring fans on Groundhog Day, I just wanna squeeze him and snuggle him.
This story is heartbreaking and disturbing, but hopefully the 6 puppies thrown in a Massachusetts River will survive and the person responsible will be brought to justice. PETA is offering a $5,000 reward for any information leading to the capture of this cruel individual.