
Need a Job? Delivery Could Be An Option For a Panera Location Near You!
Need a Job? Delivery Could Be An Option For a Panera Location Near You!
Need a Job? Delivery Could Be An Option For a Panera Location Near You!
When you think about the food that you can get delivered to your house, the options are fairly minimal. If you're luck, the pizza joint down the street happens to sell more than just pizza. But, even then, what if you don't want Italian? (because lets face it, it's usually Italian.) Then your next best option is probably Chinese food. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about some chicken lomein and a sid
Are Plastic Shopping Bags a Waste? Should We Do Without? [POLL – VOTE]
Are Plastic Shopping Bags a Waste? Should We Do Without? [POLL – VOTE]
Are Plastic Shopping Bags a Waste? Should We Do Without? [POLL – VOTE]
I believe there are a million other worries we should have on things to fix in the world before we worry about plastic shopping bags - BUT - I keep seeing articles pop up on it any way. Shopping stores are banning them all around the country; in fact Central New York is getting set to be the first area of New York to put the law to the test.
WOW – Watch the Wellington Hotel Implosion in Albany From 2014 – Amazing To Witness [VIDEO]
WOW – Watch the Wellington Hotel Implosion in Albany From 2014 – Amazing To Witness [VIDEO]
WOW – Watch the Wellington Hotel Implosion in Albany From 2014 – Amazing To Witness [VIDEO]
The 100-year old Wellington Hotel had sat vacant in downtown Albany for years and in order to get rid of an eye sore and also utilize the space it held in a more useful manner, it had to go. So, in August of 2014, the city of Albany got rid of it. They didn't just get rid of it though, they did it with some pizzazz!
Nana’s Old House in Clifton Park Is Now An Insurance Company and More in Growing Up 518 [VIDEO SERIES]
Nana’s Old House in Clifton Park Is Now An Insurance Company and More in Growing Up 518 [VIDEO SERIES]
Nana’s Old House in Clifton Park Is Now An Insurance Company and More in Growing Up 518 [VIDEO SERIES]
Imagine Clifton Park with farms and woods; no traffic, no mall or stores, no restaurants, just families and trees. It's so hard to envision. I can remember little bits in the 1980's but even then it was nothing compared to when my grandmother was raising her family in the 50s/60s/70s. Nana was born in South Troy and almost all of her life has been spent right here in the Capital Region. In this ep
The Valley Cats Help to Renovate 4-Youth Baseball Fields
The Valley Cats Help to Renovate 4-Youth Baseball Fields
The Valley Cats Help to Renovate 4-Youth Baseball Fields
It's called "America's Favorite Past Time," baseball. It's something almost all of us have grown up with, whether it was what we enjoyed playing or watching or had a family member or friend that did. The last thing anyone wants to see is the sport itself hurt or forgotten.
Livin in Griswold Heights in the 60’s, Camping in Lake George & More in Growing Up 518 ep 10 [VIDEO SERIES]
Livin in Griswold Heights in the 60’s, Camping in Lake George & More in Growing Up 518 ep 10 [VIDEO SERIES]
Livin in Griswold Heights in the 60’s, Camping in Lake George & More in Growing Up 518 ep 10 [VIDEO SERIES]
My soon to be 85 year old Nana has loved opening up and telling me all of her stories from growing up and raising a family here in the Capital Region. In the series so far we've heard about Nana's childhood during the Great Depression, meeting the love of her life (my Grandfather), how they survived a long distance relationship while he was in the service, getting married and even having baby numb
Meet Devin Dawson: His Fav Spot in Nashville, Guilty Pleasure Musician, Weirdest Song Inspiration & more [VIDEO]
Meet Devin Dawson: His Fav Spot in Nashville, Guilty Pleasure Musician, Weirdest Song Inspiration & more [VIDEO]
Meet Devin Dawson: His Fav Spot in Nashville, Guilty Pleasure Musician, Weirdest Song Inspiration & more [VIDEO]
Yesterday we had new Nashville recording artist, Devin Dawson roll through town for our Concert in a Cubicle series. He performed for a group of lovely ladies at Quad Graphics in Saratoga. While not the easiest place to find - we definitely had a ton of fun as Devin played a handful of songs in their auditorium!

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