Experts Want New Yorkers to Turn off Air Conditioners at NightExperts Want New Yorkers to Turn off Air Conditioners at NightSome experts are in hot water for telling people to shut the AC off at night because it's bad for their health and wallets. MeganMegan
Heat Alert Issued For MondayHeat Alert Issued For MondayThe calendar may not say summer just yet, but this week it is sure going to feel like the dog days. Today (Monday June 18th), there is a heat advisory issued for most of New York state including the Capital Region.ChrissyChrissy
Town Of Bethlehem Opens Cooling Stations To PublicTown Of Bethlehem Opens Cooling Stations To PublicPlease spread this word to those trying to beat the heat in and near Bethlehem, especially the elderly.Jake ThomasJake Thomas