
Richie Reviews the Grill Daddy [VIDEO]
Richie Reviews the Grill Daddy [VIDEO]
Richie Reviews the Grill Daddy [VIDEO]
Tis' the season to be grilling'.  And for those of you who don't mind the cooking, but hate the clean-up,  they have a gismo on the market called the "Grill Daddy".  Have you seen it on those infomercials?  I always wondered if it worked.   I bought one at Home Depot so you didn't have to.  Here's my video review.
Barbecue Recipes for Memorial Day Weekend [VIDEOS]
Barbecue Recipes for Memorial Day Weekend [VIDEOS]
Barbecue Recipes for Memorial Day Weekend [VIDEOS]
Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of barbecue season and will find many Americans firing up the grill this holiday weekend. Part of the beauty of grilling is its simplicity. But that shouldn't mean you can't improve your grill repertoire or technique. We've compiled a list of recipes and tips that can help you become a master of the open flame. Check them out after the jump.