
My New Boyfriend “Forgets” His Wallet – Daly Dilemma
My New Boyfriend “Forgets” His Wallet – Daly Dilemma
My New Boyfriend “Forgets” His Wallet – Daly Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I’ve been seeing a guy for a few months. He invites me out to see a movie or grab something to eat, and on more than one occasion he has “forgotten his wallet”. The first time, we both laughed about it and I was happy to pick up the tab – no big deal...
Did My Boyfriend Step Over the Line? – Daily Dilemma
Did My Boyfriend Step Over the Line? – Daily Dilemma
Did My Boyfriend Step Over the Line? – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I have been dating a guy for a few months, and recently invited him over for dinner at my apartment. While I was finishing the dinner preparations, he helped himself to my computer without asking, and I caught him going through my Facebook messages... Read More ...
Online Dating Don'ts
Online Dating Don'ts
Online Dating Don'ts
You can’t watch tv anymore without being bombarded with commercials for all the different dating sites out there.  There are dating sites for people over 50, dating sites for Christians, free sites, paid sites – and even a dating site for FARMERS, because city people just don’t understand...
“Dork” needs dating advice – Daily Dilemma
“Dork” needs dating advice – Daily Dilemma
“Dork” needs dating advice – Daily Dilemma
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I'm sure most people are going to say this is a stupid dilemma and Levack will probably say something about "growing a pair" of something but I seriously need a couple of tips. I've been off the market for a long while, and even when I was on the market I was ridiculously horrible at it...
What Do Text Messages From Guys Really Mean?
What Do Text Messages From Guys Really Mean?
What Do Text Messages From Guys Really Mean?
My single female friends are always asking what I think a text from a guy means. It never stops. So thankfully someone finally put together a think tank that can help women everywhere understand the true meaning behind a guy's text. is here to help ladies.
Should I Date A Girl With A Kid? – Daily Dilemma
Should I Date A Girl With A Kid? – Daily Dilemma
Should I Date A Girl With A Kid? – Daily Dilemma
The "Daily Dilemma" on the Sean and Richie Show is featured every weekday morning at 6:40am. We and the listeners take on someone's problems and try to offer different perspectives. Now, these don't have to be huge problems- it could just be something bothering you or a friend, or it could be some little thing you and another just can't agree on. If you have a dilemma to share we'd love

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