
Redone “Hilltop” Coca-Cola Ad Tries To Convince You To Drink Less Soda [VIDEO]
Redone “Hilltop” Coca-Cola Ad Tries To Convince You To Drink Less Soda [VIDEO]
Redone “Hilltop” Coca-Cola Ad Tries To Convince You To Drink Less Soda [VIDEO]
Back in 1971 there was an ad from Coca-Cola called the "Hilltop" Ad that was all about unity and bringing people together. An organization called the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPITV) decided to parody the video in an effort to get people to stop drinking so much soda and even started #changethetune The YouTube video description says: Classic coke ad remade with real peo
Happy 126th Birthday Coca-Cola [VIDEO]
Happy 126th Birthday Coca-Cola [VIDEO]
Happy 126th Birthday Coca-Cola [VIDEO]
Growing up in my house two things were certain, I was going to get in trouble for something and there was always Coca-Cola in the fridge. So I am happy to wish a happy birthday to what is maybe the world's most recognized brand COKE.