chris young

Chris Young was taken to the hospital after injuring his left hand cooking dinner on Thursday night. The singer has cancelled his planned fan autograph session, scheduled for Friday at the CMA Music Festival.
Chris Young Breaks Fight Up
Chris Young Breaks Fight Up
Chris Young Breaks Fight Up
Every once in a while, fans do something stupid that makes an artist stop what they are doing, sometimes in the middle of a song, to take control of the situation. Honestly, no one finds these moments funny, especially the artist. Yet, there are times when you just gotta do what you gotta do. This happened to Chris Young at his concert in Glens Falls Friday night.
New Chris Young Video?
New Chris Young Video?
New Chris Young Video?
This video is awesome!  Someone is ultra-creative, bored, and a super Chris Young fan!  Check out this video recreation made with LEGOS!  It's crazy! Here's the original, so you can compare.
Who Is Conway?
Who Is Conway?
Who Is Conway?
In the Luke Bryan hit 'That's My Kind Of Night,' he suggests putting on his 'mix tape' with a little Conway or T-Pain in the line-up. We'd like to point out that this is not the first time Conway has been name-checked in the last few years. Blake Shelton had fun name dropping the legend in two hits, 'Hillbilly Bone' and 'Honeybee.' Meanwhile, Chris Young also referenced one of Conway's biggest hit

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