
Hilarious Ways We've Taken Coaching Little League Too Seriously
Hilarious Ways We've Taken Coaching Little League Too Seriously
Hilarious Ways We've Taken Coaching Little League Too Seriously
I love to volunteer to coach Ryan's Little League team, but my coaching cost his team the game last weekend. I beat myself up over it for the entire week. We brought it up on the air and it was comforting to know that I am not the only one. The phone calls made me realize that my error in coaching wasn't even close to what these other coaches did that cost their kids the game.
This Weekend COVID Died & I Went to Baseball Heaven
This Weekend COVID Died & I Went to Baseball Heaven
This Weekend COVID Died & I Went to Baseball Heaven
We took a trip to Long Island this weekend for a baseball tournament that my son was in. We didn't quite know what to expect. Not only at the baseball tournament but in the new "normal" COVID world. What we encountered were a different type of people we met and a whole new way of living and playing.
Chrissy's Clever Cheers at Son's Game Gets Laughs [AUDIO]
Chrissy's Clever Cheers at Son's Game Gets Laughs [AUDIO]
Chrissy's Clever Cheers at Son's Game Gets Laughs [AUDIO]
I will be the first to admit that I am usually the loudest mom cheering at my son, Ryan's baseball games. I just love to watch him play and I also encourage his teammates in a positive, sometimes too boisterous way. I never yell anything negative, but I do come up with some clever nicknames and phrases when I cheer. Oh and I also mic myself up. This week, I found a way to work a popular and funny commercial into my "Big League Chooch".

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