Planning For A Unique Albany Park Is Underway
In the coming years you could get to visit a very unique outdoor space in Albany, similar to New York City's High Line Park.If you are unfamiliar with High Line, it is an elevated park. The city bustles underneath an almost mile and a half long park, and according to albany,com, planning is underway for a similar park in Albany that would have elevated park that would include bike paths and walkways.
According to the article, various consultants are currently putting reports together to determine if such a project could be built '... on the northbound exit ramp of I-787 from Quay Street to Clinton Avenue; a previous study determined this stretch of highway is underutilized. The skyway will give people another way to cross I-787 and to reach the Hudson River.'
This sounds like a pretty cool project. Any thing the city can do to further utilize the Hudson River Waterfront areas for outdoor spaces is time and money well spent in my mind! says the project could be completed in as little as 4 to 6 months once final plans are approved.