No More Elephant Acts At Times Union Center
While New York is working on a bill to ban elephant acts, the Times Union Center is already putting this policy in place.
According to News Channel 13, the Times Union Center is taking the lead in banning any shows at the arena that involve elephants. The state of New York is currently trying to put this into law statewide. PETA has given a big thumbs up to the TUC on the arena's decision as they have been trying to build awareness of the treatment of elephants by these shows. WNYT says the Tarzan Zerbini Circus this past weekend will officially be the last show at the arena to have elephants.
With this law on the way to getting enacted, plus the end of the Ringling Brothers Circus, it feels like animal displays like this will be becoming more rare. Which is good for the animals and maybe it's just me, but I feel like this is something we won't really miss. I never was a big circus guy, and would much rather see animals like this in their natural habitat.