New York Bill To Lower Minimum Hunting Age To 12
The New York State senate has passed a bill to lower the minimum age an individual can attain a hunting license.
The current minimum age to obtain a hunting license is 14 years old. All young hunters must be accompanied by a parent or guardian with a valid hunting license.
According to New York State Senator Patrick Gallivan's website, '...New York has among the most restrictive youth hunting laws in the nation. Advocates say by lowering the hunting age and removing unnecessary restrictions, parents will be allowed to teach their children important skills and share the culture enjoyed by generations of sportsmen and women.'
I am not a hunter, but having several in my family I know it is a tradition to pass along the knowledge of harvesting game animals to the young hunters in our family. It's a great way to teach discipline and respect for the land. Sport is an element of it, but for many the harvest is more importantly a way to provide sustenance. Senator Gallivan's website says the new minimum age will remove 'unnecessary restrictions' from this process.