I have been playing guitar for a long time, and have finally found a more cost and time-effective way to learn new songs and tricks.

I think at some point in our lives we have all tried to learn a few things on the guitar. It's the universal instrument with all the music we grew up with — and there is just something cool about it. And whether you are a beginner trying to learn those first few chords, or maybe a more seasoned player like me, we have all hit that roadblock of time to learn and resources to learn. Lessons can be expensive!

That is why ya gotta try Fret Zealot. It's a virtual video library of more than 3,000 lessons, 100 courses, and 80,000 songs that will help learn what interests you most at your own pace. It comes with a companion app and an optional LED fretboard system that lights and shows you where to press.

I have been playing guitar since I was a teenager and I have never experienced a more time or cost-effective way to further my guitar education. Fret Zealot helps you learn specific songs or to emulate your favorite players. I have never found it easier to hone in on exactly what I want to learn at a moment's notice.

For example, I have been on a little Tim McGraw song kick of late - boom, Tim McGraw song lesson videos are ready to roll on Fret Zealot. I was playing "Shotgun Rider" in a matter of minutes! It's like having your own virtual guitar teacher available whenever you have the time to sit down and learn something new.

So maybe that axe of yours has been sitting in its case for too long and is just begging to be played. Don't let time or money block your passion for music - try Fret Zealot and start jamming today!

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