If you have ever thought about learning how to play guitar, or maybe it is your resolution to pick it back up ... the time has never been better.

I have been there on both sides of the spectrum.

You want to start learning to play your favorite songs on guitar, but you don't know where to start. And lessons? They are not for you!  Just too expensive and they don't allow you to learn on your time.

Or maybe like me, you are a seasoned player, but you just stopped learning to play new things and lost a little of that fire to keep playing.

Either way, Fret Zealot is the partner you need to make that jump into playing a whole lotta guitar in 2023 and have a lot of fun doing it. Why? You will be finding new things to learn every day to become a better guitar player. And because Fret Zealot is your own personal guitar teacher, when inspiration strikes, you will be ready to pick up that guitar and play new things in seconds.

Here is what I mean: Fret Zealot is an interactive guitar teacher with tens of thousands of songs, theory lessons, and more literally at your fingertips! They have a great app you put on your phone with an optional Bluetooth fretboard LED system that lights up and shows you the way how to play new things. So you will never get bored playing, and you will never have that roadblock of waiting for a guitar teacher.

Check out me unboxing my Fret Zealot system back in September:

Beginners can get started quickly with their great lessons like the beginner challenge and more seasoned players can start emulating their idols like guitar virtuosos with their various player studies.

When I was on a Tim McGraw kick this fall, it just took me a few minutes to search for a lesson on Fret Zealot, and — boom! —I was playing "Shotgun Rider" in a matter of minutes. Another time, I was listening to Alan Jackson's "Chattahoochee," which has one of the all-time catchiest guitar licks in Country music history. I thought "Wow, it would be cool to play that." You guessed it ... it didn't take me long to find a video lesson on Fret Zealot and I was on my way.

LEARNING and exploring on the guitar is what makes it fun and exciting every day, and Fret Zealot is the gateway to learning pretty much anything you want. Trust me, I have been playing guitar for over 30 years, and the Fret Zealot app and all the great lessons at the Fret Zealot website have inspired me to play more in the past few months than I have in years!

Make it your 2023 resolution to shred more on your axe! Learn guitar with light at fretzealot.com.

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