If you haven't read Reader's Digest lately, congratulations -- you're not an 80-year-old woman.

But you've probably heard of Reader's Digest, at least. Founded in 1922, they're a monthly general-interest family magazine with a wide variety of articles on topics such as health, humor and current events.

Recently on their website, they posted an article about what every state in America is the best -- and worst -- at. So let's see what they said about New York.


According to Reader's Digest, it's bagels:

There’s nothing quite like a New York bagel, all fluffy dough inside and crusty outside. The first bagel shop in the United States opened its doors in the Big Apple in the early 1900s, and the city has been blessing us with the best breakfast ever since.

Credit: bhofack2/ThinkStock

I'll admit, my gut instinct would've been to say "pizza" and I don't think I would've been wrong. But there's no doubt New York's bagels -- upstate as well as downstate -- are pretty darn good.


Again, my gut instinct here would've been to say "taxes!" and I definitely wouldn't have been wrong. The bane of every New Yorkers' existence, our state has the highest tax rate of any state in the nation. This is a undeniable, quantifiable truth.

But according to Reader's Digest, we're also plagued with disease. They say New York's worst quality is food safety:

But think twice before you take a cream cheese-filled bite—New York had the most cases of food poisoning last year, namely of norovirus.


What do you think, do you agree with Reader's Digest's "Best" and "Worst" of New York?

Check out how the rest of the states measure up here.

Celebrate National Bagel Day at These Upstate New York Bagel Shops

January 15 is National Bagel Day. But don't stop with just one day! Celebrate the mighty bagel every day at these tasty Upstate New York bagel shops.

They all serve handmade bagels, and all offer an amazing array of bagel sandwiches. The shops range from the Hudson Valley to Western New York. Enjoy! And remember, if your favorite bagel shop didn't make this list go ahead and give it a shout-out over on our Facebook page!

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