College Student From Upstate New York Missing In France
Parents often wait impatiently to hear from their sons and daughters after they have gone off to college. Missing college students are stories that, unfortunately, populate the news far too often these days. One Clifton Springs, New York family is waiting in fear by their phones, praying to hear from their son for the first time in more than 2 weeks while he is studying abroad in France.
St. John Fisher University student, Ken DeLand Jr. is studying abroad and since November 27th, Ken DeLand Sr. and his wife, Jennifer, have not had any contact with their son. According to whec.com, Ken Jr. would call one of his family members almost every day. Two weeks ago that stopped. It gets stranger.
DeLand's father told whec.com that his son has normally traveled to various parts of France during his stay. However, recently Ken Jr. packed his bags, left his host family, and appeared to go on another trip. This time, he has not returned. His family thinks something is wrong and he is missing. His father said his son used his debit card recently. “The transaction happened at a sporting goods store where he came in, made a purchase, and they caught him on tape,” Ken DeLand Sr. told whec.com. That was the last trace anyone has seen or heard from Ken DeLand Jr.
The student's family believes that Ken Jr. was heading to the South of France prior to going missing. Unfortunately, French privacy laws, are not allowing authorities to provide any information to the family because DeLand's son is an adult. They are desperately looking for help in France. “I personally reached out to the Embassy,” Ken DeLand Sr. told when.com. “I contacted Claudia Tenney’s office, the Congresswoman, and her assistant was able to bring the case to the Embassy and a Congressional inquiry was started.” The family has set up a tips website, findkendeland.com. If you have any information, you are encouraged to contact the family through the website. Hopefully this comes to a safe conclusion quickly.