Governor Cuomo’s Emergency Powers To Be Repealed
The New York Legislature is set to end the emergency pandemic powers that were granted to the Governor last year.
There has been chatter recently of the Governor's emergency powers being pulled back, and now according to WHAM state lawmakers have announced they are set to pass the legislation to repeal those powers. Current guidelines and restrictions that are in place will continue after the repeal, but now moving forward WHAM says there will be more checks and balances for such directives. The new guidelines would still allow for executive orders that WHAM calls "critical to public health."
So what does this mean for the months ahead as far as COVID-related policies? Basically, it is the status quo for now based on the report. But, as we move forward and other decisions are made regarding public health directives related to the pandemic, the Governor will not have unilateral power to enact such policies. Other lawmakers will have a say on the best course of action, which hopefully will lead to a more balanced and common sense approach in regards to COVID.
I think the biggest frustration for New Yorkers through the whole pandemic not necessarily been the guidelines we had to live by, but just the inconsistencies as far as what businesses were essential, who could stay open, and how some rules applied to some and not to others. Hopefully, we are at a point where any guideline decisions made are to lift the COVID rules we have to had to live by. That would be the most welcome repeal of all.
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