The Center for Natural Wellness School of Massage Therapy’s primary goal is to prepare each student to meet and exceed the requirements of the New York State licensing exam for Massage Therapy. Their school’s instructional environment fosters a solid foundation in the practice of massage therapy with a balance of science classes and hands-on techniques of holistic bodywork. Their staff strives to unfold each student’s special talents and abilities into a deeper understanding of the art of massage therapy.

CNWSMT is the only school that offers an Exclusive Massage Therapy Education. They offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers many modalities and introduces students to a variety of different massage options, and all science classes are taught in the context of Massage Therapy.

FINANCIAL AID: Federal Student Aid is available to those who qualify, as well as private education loans and several tuition payment options to meet the unique needs of our students.

PROGRAM OPTIONS: To better fit your schedule, they offer their Massage Therapy training in either a Full-Time, Part-Time Evening or Part-Time Morning format.

EXPERIENCED FACULTY: All CNWSMT faculty members are accomplished professionals who are dedicated to leading students down a successful path in their learning experience by genuinely caring for each student. Meet the Faculty.

LIFETIME PLACEMENT SERVICES: CNWSMT is dedicated to the success of its graduates and so they offer life-time placement services and support. Currently, CNWSMT has over 89% of its graduates placed in massage careers!



What can you do with a career in massage? Watch the video to see more about CNWSMT!

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