Tips and Tricks

Before You Steal That Candy From Your Kid’s Halloween Stash, READ This
Before You Steal That Candy From Your Kid’s Halloween Stash, READ This
Before You Steal That Candy From Your Kid’s Halloween Stash, READ This
Listen don't feel bad about it, we all look forward to raiding our kid's Halloween bags in early November. After all they have way too much candy to eat, and it's just not good for them to eat it all. Any good parent would lend a hand to their kids when it comes to their health and safety. However, maybe you should keep in mind how un healthy it is for you and your diet before you do.
Three Ways Stores Get You To Spend More
Three Ways Stores Get You To Spend More
Three Ways Stores Get You To Spend More
Everyone knows that there is a psychology to the way a store advertises, plans sales, and even sets their store up to make you want to spend your money there. I was reading about a few of them on Yahoo, and thought I'd pass them on to you.
5 Useful Things To Do With Beer, Oh You Can Drink It Too!
5 Useful Things To Do With Beer, Oh You Can Drink It Too!
5 Useful Things To Do With Beer, Oh You Can Drink It Too!
I read that the average American drinks more beer a year than they do coffee. Imagine? We do love our beer. What you may not know about it is that it has a lot of other uses besides drinking. Let's be clear, if you are going to use beer for these other things, I'd suggest you buy extra or, maybe use that beer you hate that your friend left at your house last week...

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