
5 Creepy Urban Legends to Spook You This Halloween
5 Creepy Urban Legends to Spook You This Halloween
5 Creepy Urban Legends to Spook You This Halloween
Ah, Halloween: the one time of year when it’s completely appropriate to scare the fecal matter out of loved ones and friends. If your goal is to make sure children can’t sleep at night, a disturbing urban legend is just the ammunition you need.
This is New York’s Favorite Halloween Candy And It Will Surprise You
This is New York’s Favorite Halloween Candy And It Will Surprise You
This is New York’s Favorite Halloween Candy And It Will Surprise You
In New York, we take our candy very seriously. You don't want to get between an Albany resident when they want their candy bar fix. Thanks to the website Mashable, there's no need to wonder what our favorite Halloween candy is anymore. Before I reveal our number one candy fix, here's how Mashable described the survey...
Spooky Movies
Spooky Movies
Spooky Movies
It’s October and you know what means — it’s time to dust off the horror genre and spend a few weeks screaming at your television. Since actually getting off your couch and actually getting a movie off the shelf is too much effort, we’ve gone ahead and done all of the hard work for you. Here are the 10 best horror movies currently streaming on Netflix Instant. From bonafide classics to newer discoveries, these movies have a little something for everyone.
Five Reasons You Should Eat More Pumpkin
Five Reasons You Should Eat More Pumpkin
Five Reasons You Should Eat More Pumpkin
I can't wait for this weekend because my husband and I are taking our son to the big pumpkin patch in Esperance to pick out our first family pumpkin and to pick up some pumpkins for eating too. Everyone knows that pumpkins are a Halloween staple, but there's more to these gourds than just something to carve up as a Jack-O-Lantern...
Country Music
Country Music
Country Music
Is it a low growl or the confidence to reach up and hit those delicate high notes? Is it crooning about candles and satin sheets that makes a voice sexy, or is it singing about guy stuff, like hunting and raising hell? You'll find all of the above in this list of the 10 sexiest voices in country music.
Top 5 Reasons Why Fall is Better Than Summer
Top 5 Reasons Why Fall is Better Than Summer
Top 5 Reasons Why Fall is Better Than Summer
It is now Fall and we love it. Don't misunderstand. We love summer, too. All of the great concerts and events were a ton of fun. However, when it comes to seasons, we prefer Fall over all others. Here are our top 5 reasons why.
5 Facebook Updates That I Can’t Wait To Use The New “Dislike” Button On
5 Facebook Updates That I Can’t Wait To Use The New “Dislike” Button On
5 Facebook Updates That I Can’t Wait To Use The New “Dislike” Button On
It's about time. No longer will you have to watch irritating status updates in your Facebook news feed without the ability to show your scorn. Bring on the "Dislike" button. We are so excited to bring down the dislike thunder, we've been spending quite a lot of time deciding what updates we can't wait to dislike.
5 Things I Am Embarrassed To Admit That I Love
5 Things I Am Embarrassed To Admit That I Love
5 Things I Am Embarrassed To Admit That I Love
I want to make something clear. I really don't care what people think of stuff I enjoy. I like what I like and if others think it's stupid, then tough. But, there are a few things I avoid bringing up because I know very few people would understand - and yes, almost certainly ridicule. Here they are in all their embarrassing glory.
Top NY Baby Names
Top NY Baby Names
Top NY Baby Names
New Yorkers know how to name stuff. We understand that names can communicate elegance, prestige and/or emotional feelings. Although, this still does not explain The Egg in Albany. (*shrug*) When it comes to babies, here are the most registered names according to the Social Security administration.

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