You may be cleaning out your garage, or attic, or just getting rid of some items in your home. Before you try and throw some of the items in your household garbage, you should be informed. Not everything can go to the dump.


New York State has its own set of rules, especially when it comes to what you can and can’t throw away.

Old Electronics

If you have old electronics like a broken TV or an outdated computer, you can't simply toss them in the trash. New York has strict e-waste regulations. Instead, look for e-waste recycling programs offered by many retailers and local municipalities, often for free.


Half-Empty Paint Cans

When it comes to those half-empty cans of paint in your garage, be cautious. Oil-based paints are considered hazardous and need to be taken to a hazardous waste collection site. While latex paints can sometimes be dried out and disposed of with regular trash, it's always best to check local guidelines first to be sure.


Rechargeable Batteries

If you’re dealing with rechargeable batteries from your gadgets, these also can’t go in the trash. They contain harmful chemicals and must be recycled properly. Fortunately, many electronics stores have convenient bins for battery recycling.


Old Medications

Disposing of old medications requires special care too. Flushing them down the toilet or tossing them in the trash can lead to water contamination. Instead, use pharmacy take-back programs or designated disposal sites to ensure they are disposed of safely.

Mario Tama, Getty Images

Items Containing Mercury

Lastly, devices containing mercury, such as thermometers, thermostats, and fluorescent light bulbs, need special attention. These items contain hazardous mercury and should be taken to special recycling programs to prevent environmental contamination.


Following these guidelines not only keeps you on the right side of the law but also helps protect our environment. So next time you’re cleaning out your attic or garage make sure you dispose of these items the right way.

Which NY Lottery Scratch-Off Games Have the Most Top Prizes Left?

There are plenty of NY Lottery scratch-off games that have big jackpots left. If you are feeling lucky, try one of the New York Lottery scratch-off games. According to the New York Lottery, these are the scratch-off games that still have jackpots to be won to make you become an instant millionaire.

Gallery Credit: NY Lottery

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