
Something to Ponder If You Do Not Vote Today
Something to Ponder If You Do Not Vote Today
Something to Ponder If You Do Not Vote Today
As we get ready to head to the polls today to vote in the New York primary, this is our chance to be heard on who we think the best candidates are. If you decide not to vote, you probably shouldn't do this down the road.
Can You Instagram Your Ballot?
Can You Instagram Your Ballot?
Can You Instagram Your Ballot?
With millions of people hitting the polls today and hitting their phones even harder, we have to explore if it's even okay for you to be on your phone in line, let alone snap a pic of your ballot! And, just before you ask yourself, "is that a thing...
Not Voting?
Not Voting?
Not Voting?
Here is Today's Daily Dilemma: I have a timely dilemma for you guys. My husband and I have been having a re-occurring argument lately, about voting. I have no interest in voting this year. Yes, I have voted in the past and I do feel it is an important way to be part of the governmental process...