
Vote For The Worst Ex-Spouse
Vote For The Worst Ex-Spouse
Vote For The Worst Ex-Spouse
This Saturday is "Ex-Spouse Day". Why? I don't know, but trust me it is. So in honor of this holiday we had people write in to us the story of their exes. The idea is to find the worst ex-spouse out there. Now we need you to decide who wins...
What Is Your Caffeinated Drink Of Choice? [POLL]
What Is Your Caffeinated Drink Of Choice? [POLL]
What Is Your Caffeinated Drink Of Choice? [POLL]
Ol' Scottie B is a rather busy guy. Not only do I work here at GNA but I also have some other work on the side. With gas prices the way they are, a man has got to do what a man has got to do!  Because I get so busy, I am usually in need of some kind of pick me up.
Zooey Deschanel: Sean’s New Celebrity Crush
Zooey Deschanel: Sean’s New Celebrity Crush
Zooey Deschanel: Sean’s New Celebrity Crush
We all have them, celebrity crushes. Mine have always been hot blondes. I love the seductive, strong, sexy heroines form the movies. In fact, I think the only thing I really remember about "Iron Man 2" is Scarlett Johansson. Granted, she had black hair in the movie, but I know who was underneath all that hair dye and leather.
Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas [SURVEY]
Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas [SURVEY]
Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas [SURVEY]
I was reading the results of a recent survey and it said that most women want jewelry as a present this Valentine's Day. The only other thing on the survey to get a double digit percentage was flowers and chocolate. That got me wondering, what is it that women really want for V day...
Take Our Sean and Richie Cruise Poll
Take Our Sean and Richie Cruise Poll
Take Our Sean and Richie Cruise Poll
In light of the recent Costa Concordia disaster in Italy (have you heard about it?  Gee, do you think they've covered it enough on the news?), I was just wondering what your feelings are regarding cruising as a vacation option.  Would you be so kind as to take a little poll?   Thanks in advance!