For all you supporters of "gluten free" food or customers of food with no gluten in them, the Food & Drug Administration plans to revamp the labeling of those products.  Apparently, back in 2007, the FDA proposed new standards for the labeling of such products, but nothing was ever finalized.  The agency stated yesterday, they are seeking new comments on those standards they want to implement.






If you don't know, gluten is found in rye, wheat and barley.  So basically any bread products have gluten unless they state "gluten free."  If you have celiac disease, eating gluten can cause your small intestine to inflame giving you extreme abdominal pain and messing up your digestive tract.  The FDA estimates about 1 percent of the U.S. population suffers from celiac disease.  Some people don't know they have it at first, but once they realize they need to restrict their gluten intake, the symptoms of celiac disease diminsh.

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