This sounds like a scolding lesson from your mother, doesn't it?  But we all need guidelines in our life.  There are things you should strive for, and things to definitely NOT do or say.  Just trying to give you a little bit of direction here.  (Actually, it's not ME giving the suggestions-it's famous people in history with sage advice. Here we go.According to a recent article in my favorite publication, the Huffington Post,  they

Neverisms book

list some  NEVERISMS, which comes from a book called A Quotation Lover's Guide to Things You Should Never Do, Never Say, or Never Forget, by Mardy Grothe (HarperCollins, 2011)    This is a very interesting treasure trove of advice. Might be a good bathroom book, if you know what I mean.   Some of these are very straightforward and obvious, others you may have to think about a bit.

Johnny Carson Poses In Front Of Portraits

The late great Johnny Carson, speaking to his alma mater, once said this very simple neverism- "Never continue in a job you don't enjoy.  If you don't like it, stop doing it!" That might be a little tough to carry out in THIS economy, Johnny.  But nice try!

I like this one.  Very wise advice.  "Never go on trips with anyone you do not love. Who said it?  Ernest Hemingway.  He said it to his wife.  But he was not aiming the comment at her.  He was smarter than that!

Smithsonian Institution Opens "Art of the Stamp" Exhibit

I guess he took a little ride with his buddy and the guy got on his nerves.  His name was F Scott Fitzgerald.

Fascinating book, to be sure.   There are more than 2000 quotations here.  (I wish I could sit and rhyme some of them.  I was going to try, but I've learned the hard way.  In fact, I have my own NEVERISM- "Never write a song parody after the show on a Friday when you haven't eaten in 8 hours"  (I know it applies to noone but me, but it's the way I roll!)  Have a great weekend!


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