Country music returns to Joe Bruno Stadium this summer and we want to get you in to the show.

Need tickets to see Dustin Lynch at the Joe on Thursday, August 15th? We've got the solution: YOUR opinion on COUNTRY music.

All it takes is a few moments to take our online music survey. Tell us which songs you love or dislike to help us tweak our playlist to make it better FOR YOU!

Once you complete the survey you will be entered to win a pair of tickets to Dustin Lynch at Joe Bruno Stadium on August 15th. Enter by taking our music survey here - and thank you for helping us make GNA a better radio station.

(The entry deadline is Noon, on Monday, June 17, 2024. Incomplete surveys will not be entered into the drawing. One entry per person. One random winner will be contacted by phone.)

Every Country Artist Performing In Upstate NY In 2024

It is going to be another big year of Country shows in 2024, and here is a complete list of artists already scheduled to perform in the year ahead in the Capital Region and all over Upstate New York. Dierks Bentley, Hardy, Brooks & Dunn, Zac Brown Band, Luke Bryan, Lainey Wilson, Kane Brown, Tim McGraw, and so many others are already on this list! Don't miss your favorite Country stars - keep checking back here as we will be adding lots of shows in the weeks and months ahead.

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff


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