
Are One Of These Girls The New Member Of The Morning Show? [VIDEO]
Are One Of These Girls The New Member Of The Morning Show? [VIDEO]
Are One Of These Girls The New Member Of The Morning Show? [VIDEO]
The search continues my friends. Make sure you get your videos posted to YouTube soon with the title, "Sean and Richie Need A Girl". We have two more entries to look at and of course your comments are welcome. Just remember, we are only being positive and saying nice things, if you don't have a nice comment, shhhhhh.
Google Car Drives Itself – Who Wants One? [VIDEO]
Google Car Drives Itself – Who Wants One? [VIDEO]
Google Car Drives Itself – Who Wants One? [VIDEO]
I remember growing up thinking, imagine if cars drove themselves?  Even talking to my boys about a day in their future when the car will have “auto pilot.”  I would LOVE That!  Could it happen soon?  Maybe not as soon as I would like it, but a study done recently says a lot of us are very interested in this “extra” for our car.
Pro Golfer Lexi Thompson Wants A Prom Date – [VIDEO]
Pro Golfer Lexi Thompson Wants A Prom Date – [VIDEO]
Pro Golfer Lexi Thompson Wants A Prom Date – [VIDEO]
I really like this story. I don't know if you have heard about the stories of soldiers asking famous people to go to an event with them but it has kind of become a trend on YouTube. The most famous that I can remember is a soldier who asked Mila Kunis to the Marine Corp Ball in a YouTube Video.
The Funniest & Best Sales Guy Ever [VIDEO]
The Funniest & Best Sales Guy Ever [VIDEO]
The Funniest & Best Sales Guy Ever [VIDEO]
I was at a friend's house on Sunday for a small gathering/party and since the Nascar race was canceled half way through, we got talking about some of the funniest things on YouTube.
Lady Antebellum Could Play Your Prom
Lady Antebellum Could Play Your Prom
Lady Antebellum Could Play Your Prom
Big news -  Lady Antebellum is hosting a contest.  The winner will be able to have the band perform at their junior prom, senior prom, or even reunion if the situation presents itself.
Beautiful Young Love? Or The Most Embarassing Video Ever? [VIDEO]
Beautiful Young Love? Or The Most Embarassing Video Ever? [VIDEO]
Beautiful Young Love? Or The Most Embarassing Video Ever? [VIDEO]
I remember when I was this age, I was so melodramatic and so romantic. I could actually see me doing something as crazy as posting something like this video, thankfully for me, there was no YouTube back then. I can only hop that the poor kid someday lives this down, and of course, reigns in the romance quite a bit, or at least the creepiness.
Wedding Proposal Rejection-[VIDEO]
Wedding Proposal Rejection-[VIDEO]
Wedding Proposal Rejection-[VIDEO]
There is nothing I can think of that would be more hurtful than getting a "no" when you propose marriage to someone. That is why it always amazes me when some idiot pops the question when he is not 100% sure he is going to get a yes. Add to that, doing it in public or on video is just plain stupid. So, why would these guys do this?
The Threesome Of Jeopardy [VIDEO]
The Threesome Of Jeopardy [VIDEO]
The Threesome Of Jeopardy [VIDEO]
I'm so sorry, I know you clicked on this post because the word threesome is in the title, and hey, I would have too. I must admit, though it may not be quite what you were hoping for, or expecting, I do think it is still fun.
An Un-adoptable Kitty? [VIDEO]
An Un-adoptable Kitty? [VIDEO]
An Un-adoptable Kitty? [VIDEO]
Can you imagine a kitty cat that nobody wants to adopt just because of his looks? Kitty cats are adorable, all of them, right?   Well in this case there was a small problem that I have since come to realize is a bit of a phenomenon. Apparently, in England there is a animal shelter named, Wood Green...

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