super mario bros

5 Great Cartoons Set In NYC
5 Great Cartoons Set In NYC
5 Great Cartoons Set In NYC
As a spin-off of the iconic film "Ghostbusters," set in the same bustling city, "The REAL Ghostbusters" extends the legacy of the beloved franchise. Set against the backdrop of New York City's skyline, the show captures the essence of the metropolis. As the Ghostbusters traverse the city streets, from the bustling avenues to the tranquil parks, viewers glimpse NYC's energy. The portrayal of the city adds depth to the supernatural adventures, grounding them in an urban landscape. From the towering skyscrapers to the quaint brownstones of Brooklyn, every corner becomes a playground for whimsical ghostly encounters. Notably, Slimer, once an adversary, adds a dynamic to the team's dynamics as he becomes an ally in their exploits. The show's popularity spawned a range of amazing toys, allowing fans to bring the ghost-catching action into their own
Mario Brothers Turn 25
Mario Brothers Turn 25
Mario Brothers Turn 25
I bought a Wii a few years ago and the first games purchased were Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2, and Super Mario Bros 3. Clearly I miss games from when I was a nerdy kid. They are also the ONLY video games in the world that I’m good at. So what was the world like in 1985?