ghostbusters 3

‘Ghostbusters 3’ Can Still Happen, According to Dan Aykroyd
‘Ghostbusters 3’ Can Still Happen, According to Dan Aykroyd
‘Ghostbusters 3’ Can Still Happen, According to Dan Aykroyd
When it was revealed that director Paul Feig was going to reboot Ghostbusters with an all-female cast, the general assumption was that Ghostbusters 3 was dead and buried. Gone forever. Kaput. Never to be mentioned again. But, Dan Aykroyd never got that memo. Aykroyd, who co-wrote and starred in the original films, has spent years talking up Ghostbusters 3 and he’s not going to let silly little things like an actual, official, studio-sanctioned remake with a cast and release date get in the way.
Melissa McCarthy in Early Talks to Star in the ‘Ghostbusters’ Reboot
Melissa McCarthy in Early Talks to Star in the ‘Ghostbusters’ Reboot
Melissa McCarthy in Early Talks to Star in the ‘Ghostbusters’ Reboot
After months of rumors and speculation, it looks like director Paul Feig is finally starting to assemble his cast for his ‘Ghostbusters’ reboot. The name at the top of his list should surprise no one: Melissa McCarthy, who he previously directed to an Oscar nomination and huge box office success in ‘Bridesmaids’ and ‘The Heat,' and who is in early talks to star in the film.
No Ghostbusters 3 Without Bill Murray
No Ghostbusters 3 Without Bill Murray
No Ghostbusters 3 Without Bill Murray
I have always loved Bill Murray. This is a known fact. So I got that going for me you know which is nice. What is also known is Bill is a little nutty and is making it tough to get director Ivan Reitman's planned "Ghostbusters" sequel off the ground...